A deadly disease appeared in the world that transforms humans into zombies. In Japan, several students of Fujimi school and the school nurse will do a team to survive the apocalypse. The story follows Takashi Komuro, one of the students who survived the initial outbreak, along with some classmate trying to stay alive while they are searching for their families.

The story also revolves around a sniper who appears in several episodes outside the group called Minami Takashi Rika and her school friends, who try to survive the apocalypse. Part of the plot also focuses on teacher named Shido and his students.

This is a great series, with much violence, showing how the school, classes and classmates struggle to survive. No exist college or university similar to this. This is a high school of the dead.

5 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    One of the very best animes, no doubt.

  2. sky says:

    Watched! Is a good anime, and... ECCHI, ECCHI EVERYWHERE!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Best zombie anime <3

  4. Have to watch this!! :D

  5. Irena says:

    very good :D

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