Yukiteru Amano is a young high school student living a normal life, until one day the god of time called gives him a diary that allows him to see the future. This object allows him to see everything that will happen in the future: social events, school events, test results, the behavior of classmates. However, Yuki must participate in a dangerous game of survival where they must kill the other participants who also have a diary like him.
The first battle happens in Yuki's school. Yuki sees in his diary that he will die in his classroom by one of his teachers. However, our hero receives help from a classmate named Yuno Gasai. She is a student of the school and Yuki's classmate, who is in love with him.
Thus begins a fierce battle, where many classmates will die, the school is destroyed, teachers are killed, and Yuki's school life changes drastically. In this way, starts the bloody story of Mirai Nikki. Enojy it
just not that into anime :D
Look how cute is the way she's licking this knife :D
Nice post !
I am so engrossed with this serious it's ridiculous!
Ill watch this animu!
Never seen it, but will give it a shot.
Watched it main characters is a super pussy, who can't think properly therefore losing all his basic motor skills...outcome is pretty pathetic.
Can't say I'm a fan.